Lifestyle and Wellness

How to Find Your Life Purpose

how to find your life purpose

Discovering your life purpose isn’t something you can find overnight. It’s a lifelong journey to discovery, and it is possible, attainable, one step at a time. While people usually think that having it all; a loving family, a successful career, a manicured looking lifestyle, is an ensemble of a perfect life. However, deep within, something is missing somehow. That something that you long for intensely is your purpose in life. When you find your life purpose it becomes a journey to a happier, exceptional, and healthier life. 

It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dream of meeting your heart’s longing. – ORIAH

Who doesn’t want that, right? 

To be able to take on this journey, it takes a lot of self-reflection, courage, listening to your inner core, listening to others, and finding where your passion lies. The path to finding your purpose may have a lot of curves, and you may encounter a lot of hiccups along the way, and change may be inevitable. Don’t get discouraged, but rather, you can always shift your sails, change your direction, but never give up

Always remember that you have something deep inside of you that’s waiting to be discovered. You have a special gift that you need to uncover and share with the world. 

So, if you feel stuck and you think you can’t figure it out, think again! You don’t have to look far for the answer. However, the answer is waiting inside you, and you have to know how to pull it out. 

Here’s how to finally find your life purpose:

Learn to pop your personal bubble

In your bubble, your world is small and only revolves around you. Most of the time, your only concern is yourself, your wellbeing, your wants, your pleasures in life, and how you can succeed. 

If you learn to pop this bubble, you’ll be less self-centered, and realize that the horizon is broad. The moment you get out of your trap, your life will change. You can start your journey to finding your sense of purpose and become more aware of others, their feelings, and needs.

learn to pop your personal bubble

Disown your fears

Fear holds us back from achieving our goals and reaching our optimum potential. So, don’t let fear rule your life! If you want to move forward and find your purpose in life, do not allow fear to dictate what you can and cannot do. 

Life is full of surprises, some are good, and some are bad. The process of finding your sense of purpose might be frightening, but the beauty of it lies in the unknown. 

disown your fears


Reading is an excellent way to tap into your sense of purpose. It helps you connect with people from beyond time and space. Reading helps with empathy, allowing yourself to be kind and considerate of other people’s feelings. 

Read books that inspire you, and the ones that matter to you, it might help you find your life purpose.

Tip: If reading can help you find your purpose, so can writing!


Find Your Life Purpose: Discover what you love to do

Do you know what you truly love to do? Tap into your skills, hobbies, talents, and passion. Some people believe that there’s this ONE thing that we aspire to do in our life. Isn’t it a struggle to only settle for that one thing? 

So, do not limit yourself, explore what your heart loves. Do not hinder your sense of purpose with only one thing. Fulfilling your life purpose is tapping into all your passion, your greatness. 

discover what you love

Get more action

We can only begin to live a life of purpose when we take action. If where we are now is not where we want to be, then, do something! Take mindful steps, focus on your goal, and be consistent. 

Improving yourself will allow you to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The experience is the best reward, delve into what sets your soul on fire. 

get more action

Without a life purpose, you feel like your life is running in circles. Not having your real purpose in life, your reason to live, is like watching time pass you by. The real purpose of your life is to live fully, to be present in the journey we call life, and to embrace it with all your heart

When you live a life of purpose, happiness downpours your heart and soul. Inspiration comes naturally, allowing you to tap more into your passion and sharing it with the world, making a difference not just for yourself but for the people around you. 

P.S. Enjoy every bit of it!

how to find your life purpose

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