How to Surrender, Let Go, and Trust

The secret to success is when we learn how to surrender, let go, and trust that we have to release our tight grip from our need to control everything in our life. Almost all of us find it hard to trust, and we usually flinch during a sudden change in events or when hurtful adversities in life arise. We do tend to tame or control our lives in cases like these because change is a difficult pill to swallow. However, our resistance to change, our inability to let go of things will only add to our hurt, our pain.
“The moment of surrender is not when life is over, but it’s when it begins.” – Marianne Williamson
Life will be so much easier if we learn to let go and stop resisting what is, but our ego wants to feel the sense of control, and the grasp of things. Then, change becomes non-existent! But the hard truth remains, change is the only constant thing in life. We need to adapt to the changing world, and we need to change for the betterment of ourselves, life is too short to dwell on what was and what-ifs, but we have today to live. So, live not just to exist but live because you deserve this life and fought so hard for it.

And just like any habit that you are incorporating in your life, your ability to surrender becomes effortless and simple when you start with small, tiny steps. And of course, it takes a lot of practice and patience but, it can be very liberating, freeing yourself from the self turmoil you are suffering and, lifting that weight off your shoulder, is the freedom you truly deserve.
So, learn to live a little, or should I say learn to live a lot more.
Here is how to surrender, let go, and trust:
Accept change
Change is scary, but never let fear rule you. Embrace the unknown even if it is difficult because you can cultivate acceptance when you are facing uncommon or unexpected situations. It is a significant facet of learning how to surrender.
Never get stuck in the what-ifs of life but instead on what is. So, it is your choice to either see uncertainties as adversities or to try to make a way around it.

How to Let go, and trust: Loosen your grip
Sometimes, you have to learn to let go of that tight grip or to whatever you are holding on so tightly. Try to give it up, surrender, and let it go and allow the stream to carry you forward. Ask for help from whomever you are comfortable with, God, the universe, family, or friends because you are not alone.
Life will continue to cascade how it will. Things may not be how you expect it to be, but that is the beauty of this journey and do not live in the illusion of control.

Take life as it comes
We often like to prepare for things, but the truth is, we can never be entirely ready for whatever that happens to us. We sometimes obsess about the future, and knowing too much kills spontaneity!
There will always be mishaps along the way, therefore allow yourself to stay in the present moment by responding as the circumstances arise. Because when you take life as it comes and when you live one day at a time, you can experience more peace, joy, and rest.

Learn to trust yourself
Your instincts are strong and forceful, do not doubt it based on your experiences, good or bad. Build consciousness of yourself as a person having an encounter, your innermost thoughts, you are the complete experience.
Be mindful of your instincts, trust your judgment, and your ability to make positive decisions. Trust yourself today, tomorrow, every day, and always.

Letting go does not come easily for us, and when we go through some extensive change, our survival instincts kicks in, either in a fight or freeze form. So, hold yourself gently, and be kind to yourself as you deal with change, thus, learning how to surrender, let go, and trust.

Let it be a slow and steady process, one day at a time. Consider surrendering as a path to achieving the life you want and deserve. Think of letting go as a chance to stand back and examine the situations in your life with better clarity. Allow yourself to trust in YOU, and let go of doubt and fear, thus, making you feel alive, the pathway to all things beautiful.
P.S. Free yourself, surrender, let go, and trust, and you will find true peace and happiness.

This post just made my day! 🙂 Thank you for sharing and giving me the right perspective!
Mae Loureto
I’m glad to hear! You are very welcome! 🥰
Krysten Quiles
I really need this right now. I’m exploring new job opportunities but I’m nervous to make a change. Thank you for this.
Mae Loureto
Go for it! You got this, girl! 🤩
Sometimes this is so hard to do, but other times it is much easier. I think the trick is knowing when is the best time to let go.
Mae Loureto
Yes, I absolutely agree! Trust the timing and process. ☺️
Gervin Khan
These are great tips and I am so agree with everything that you mentioned above.
When you let go and surrender you must accept the change and trust yourself.
Mae Loureto
Thank you for reading 🥰
Kim Kay
This is such great advice. I’m glad to see that I am not the only learning the art of letting go. Thanks for this post.
Mae Loureto
Thank you for reading! 🥰
Emily Fata
Such wise advice! It’s true… when you let go and just accept things, you can truly start having a happy life where you have less stress and fewer worries. There’s more time to focus on the things that truly matter!
Letting go of trying to control everything was key to my journey to healing.
Mae Loureto
Spot on! 😍 Letting go of control is the beginning of a happy life! 💕
Kathy Kenny Ngo
It’s really easy but when you learn to Let God, He will handle everything for you.
Wow – such inspirational stuff! Let Go & Let God- that is my mantra 🙂
have a great day!
Celebrate Woman (@DiscoverSelf)
Beautiful, powerful suggestions. At times, you just go with the flow and ease. Sometimes, it comes more with some resistance. But it’s totally worth it.
So true! We cause so much of our own suffering in life by dwelling on what we can’t change. But if we take the time to accept it, we can move on and experience true inner peace. Thank you so much for sharing!
This is all so true and inspriational. Sometimes I have a hard time letting go of things but it is so important to try and let it go to free your mind and your spirit.
This is such a great and inspiring post, I am so glad to stop over here and read this
Jasmine Martin (@BlogginandLivin)
I feel like a lot of us may not know how to let go and trust. I know in the past I wasn’t sure if I would be able to trust myself because I ended up being too trusting with others which resulted in me being hurt. I think learning to trust my gut and intuition really helped me instead of fighting it.. I actually surrendered to it.
Interesting concepts and ideas. My experience says maintaining the balance is important, when to let go and when to not. Some areas of life are built on trust whereas some are not. So it’s like using your intellect and decide.
Emman Damian
I agree. We should really Accept change! We should embrace it with open arms. Also, be more optimistic about it.
World In Eyes
It is not too easy to surrender or let go, but sometimes it is so important. Thanks for sharing these wonderful ideas.
This is the perfect post for me right now! Yes, I have let go of something and I definitely trust my instincts. I cannot live in fear either, Too late for that.
Jenn Summers
Great advice! I have definitely struggled with letting go in the past and I’m sure I will again in the future. Sometimes it is hard to remember that you can only control what YOU can only control. It is such a freeing feeling when you just let the rest go.
I find that this is the hardest part of being in a relationship because we all have different levels of comfort with letting things go. Great tips!
Great post! Change can definitely be scary, but pushing through it is often so worth it!
“Learn to trust yourself” something I struggle with so much, and I know it stops me from doing sooo many things. Thank you so much for this post. I think reminding myself just to take it one second, one minute, one day at a time is a great idea. ❤