
Why You Need to Imagine Sunsets Right Now

why you need to imagine sunsets right now

I have never seen a sunset I didn’t love. It is like a bond to my inner soul. A deep feeling of serenity and calm, my peace within, a love unspoken. It is so warm, so magical, a sense of belonging to the here and now. And why do you need to imagine sunsets right now? Hope. Hope for the future.

If I could, I would. I’ll be that girl forever chasing sunsets. But there are times that I can’t. Circumstances, for instance, won’t allow me. At least for now! 

When was the last time you’ve seen a beautiful sunset? Was it today, yesterday, or a week ago?

I know the world is at a standstill right now, most of us are on lockdown. We don’t even have the luxury to go for a walk outside and enjoy the sunshine, take a long drive, enjoy a day at the park with the little ones, go to the beach, or travel to somewhere we have never been. Strange as our situation is today, but we need to have hope. I hope that one day, we will regain our freedom to do things we love to do. However, while we wait, there’s a reason why we need to imagine sunsets right now. To dream and aspire.

imagine sunsets right now

So, I encourage you to imagine sunsets, to breathe in the hope that new beginnings are coming. Can you see the silver lining? When we can go and travel again, enjoy the beach and soak in the sun. When we can see our family and friends again, like an ordinary day like we used to. 

Do you know the song Imagine by John Lennon? One of the best songs, at least for me!  Yes, that song! I love it! 

A visionary with a dream. Imagine! Can you? Hopeful for change, a world of peace. To live in the moment even if we can’t do the things we usually do.

why you need to imagine sunsets

Imagine sunsets, a warm, pleasant, and inviting feeling. It is made of lustrous hues of orange and gold, giving us a sense of pleasure. I cannot say no to beautiful sunsets. 

I imagine sunsets wherever I go, that magical moment where you see the most beautiful, breathtaking sun gloaming. It captures your sense of delight and gratitude that no matter what, we are all blessed in this earth, to thrive and to make the most of it.

I know that made you smile. I hope I made you smile today.

Let’s imagine our virtual sunsets, shall we? It is a promise of hope. There’s beauty in every ending, and an opportunity to reset.

beautiful sunsets

How did that make you feel? That fiery kiss from the sun. Happiness! Yes, that is pure bliss. The small things in life are the one that matters the most. Let’s all be grateful to be alive. A little optimism won’t hurt especially in times like this, hold on, this will all come to pass. 

I want to share more, do you want more? An image of exhilaration painted in your imagination. So, stick with me! Hit the follow button, will you? Or see me on Pinterest for more!

imagine sunsets and hope for the best
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